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Are you too comfortable?

Are you sitting comfortably? Then we’ll begin.

From our infancy we’re taught the absolute joy that comes from comfort. And when childlike things fall away they are replaced with adult alternatives. Few of these are more widely discussed than the ‘comfort zone’.

Except perhaps hygge. But that’s for another day.

Contrary to popular belief, I believe that you can flourish in your comfort zone. If you bound out of bed every morning, excited by the prospect of your working day, knowing that you have found the perfect role that matches your skills and ambition, then your comfort zone is one of perfect design. You are the archetypal round peg in a round hole. 

You lucky thing.

Stretch your comfort zone, don’t leave it

The key to flourishing in this state is to think of your comfort zone as though it is made of jelly. 

When it is rigid, the edges of your comfort zone become walls. And those walls, by design, keep you in and keep new things out.

Whereas jelly walls flex. They are almost greedy in their pursuit of new things, swallowing them up and growing. With this mindset you could dip your toe beyond your comfort zone by learning a new skill or taking a calculated risk and then using the results of those endeavours to grow your comfort zone, rather than leaving it.

Why we stay in our comfort zone

The human brain is inherently cautious. It will choose the path of least resistance. It does this thanks to its role in keeping our ancient ancestors safe. Thousands of years ago, staying within certain geographical areas, sticking with tried-and-tested foods, and running away from danger were pretty critical to staying alive.

Our brains want us to stay safe. 

But they are not always our friend.

Think of every new challenge you have considered. The career change, the diet, the public speaking opportunity. At some point in your deliberations, your brain will have highlighted all of the reasons that taking the opportunity will lead to harm and offered you all of the excuses you need to turn the opportunity down.

“I’ll make a fool of myself”, “I’ll fail”, “They won’t want to listen to me”, or “I’ll get some more experience under my belt and say yes next time”.

Suggested reading: 5 ways to tackle imposter syndrome

When you listen to and believe your own fears and excuses you are keeping yourself from growth. And that is when comfortable can become really uncomfortable.

When comfortable becomes uncomfortable

There are a couple of questions you can ask yourself to determine whether your comfort zone has, in fact, become uncomfortable.

Take action

These three questions can help you reflect on whether or not you’ve become too comfortable but they are also the key to stretching your comfort zone. You can take action this week:

Do you love your comfort zone or are you trying to stretch it? We’d love to hear from you below or over on our Facebook page

Until next week,

Lucy and Emma | The Communication Coaches

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